Villain Hideout

That sound you hear is the fourth wall shattering as we get a peek at Gaston and Mimi’s secret hideout, presumably in Cold Springs, Manitoba. It’s also a reminder to comic book characters everywhere to always be kind to your cartoonist.

Gotta Find That Kid

Mimi is right – the halfwitted cartoonist (that’s me!) is indeed shutting down this storyline soon – so the pressure is on our sinister searchers to find the kid in the yellow helmet who delivered that dastardly punch, as per the boss’ orders… Joey seems to have successfully evaded everyone thus far – not only Gaston and Mimi, but the kid with the glasses as well, seen here icing is face.


It’s been awhile, so let’s see what Mimi Dangereux and Gaston Malade are up to. Oh. Come on guys, leave our narrator alone or you’re grounded for a few more weeks! Also: anytime you can use the word ‘rapscallion‘ in a comic, you just have to, right?

A Talking Cat?

Joey is trying really hard to come to grips with everything and he’s suddenly been thrown yet another curve. Meet Penelope, Joey’s… talking… pet cat.

It’s All About You, Joey

Well, we’ve come to the end of our run of six promotional comics and there you have it: Joey and Herb don’t sound so confident about the longevity of this thing. Don’t take their word for it, however. Next, we go back to the beginning with the storyline ‘Destination: Cold Springs’, where we catch up to Joey and his family en route to Cold Springs, Manitoba…


As an homage to the days of comics being printed on good ol’ newsprint, our villains have now run the gamut of ways to sabotage this thing: fire, India ink and now it’s been revealed that Gaston had asked the artist – me – for whiteout. Remember that stuff? Also known as ‘correction fluid’ and by the brand name Liquid Paper, it was pretty darn toxic so I opted to go with the other kind of whiteout we have here in Canada…