Safe Harbour

Joey and Herb continue discussing ‘the punch’, where we learn that glasses guy completely melted down and where exactly Joey slithered off to while chaos ensued…


Joey reveals to Herb what happened immediately after ‘the punch’ at their regular kitchen table post mortem. It seems as if our protagonist was able to slink away unscathed while chaos ensued…

The Gentlemanly Tradition

The age-old hockey tradition of shaking hands at the end of a hard fought game isn’t about the winning team showboating in front of their opponent. It’s about showing respect for the losing side. Or, in Joey’s case, it’s a chance to take an uncontested cheap shot.

The Final Horn

And there it is, the Golden Turkeys lose to the Bacon Ridge Rhinos. As the teams line up to shake hands, the game isn’t quite over for Joey, who seems to have his focus elsewhere…

A Double-Double™ It Is

For those non-Canadians out there, a Double-Double™ is the standard way to order a coffee with two creams and two sugars at any Tim Hortons location. A Regular™ is one cream/one sugar and the other option on the table is the Triple-Triple™ if you like your coffee… decadent. Anyways, Herb now has an appreciation for Joey’s plight.