An Important Takeaway

Given time to reflect on ‘the punch’, Joey has a change of opinion upon a closer review of the upcoming schedule. Also, another hockey nemesis makes a cameo: the Ball Eating Bush has its eyes on Joey’s wayward tennis ball…

Chainsaw Massacre

Herb comes up with a pretty extreme solution to deal with the Joey’s ball-eating bush problem and Joey has to think quickly to keep his mom off their trail.

Firing Squad

Joey takes on the ball-eating bush face-to-face. And now he has nine missing tennis balls instead of just one. And the ball-eating bush has indigestion.

The Ball-Eating Bush

The beast has a name! Similar to the kite-eating tree that haunted Charlie Brown, Joey has his own inanimate nemesis. The ball-eating bush is most definitely inspired by the dense, prickly, angry bush alongside my driveway growing up in small-town Ontario, Canada. I blasted many a tennis ball into that thing while playing ball hockey in my driveway and it never ceased to amaze how they would just disappear. Sometimes I’d find an old ball rather than the new one shot into the bush, but mostly I’d come up empty altogether. My parents did eventually remove the bush after I had moved away and kept a box full of the old, decaying tennis balls. I still think some of them now reside in the alternate universe with all of my left socks from the dryer…

Worst-case Scenario

Joey’s daydream sequence continues with Wayne and Mario as he resigns himself to the fate of his ‘lost’ slapshot… To a kid playing ball hockey in their driveway, finding your ball lodged in an angry, prickly bush is clearly the worst-case scenario. I’d argue you’d rather dent your garage door or break a window. Don’t @ me.