Back in the Saddle

After the Le Corbusier chair incident, Herb is indeed back in his old faithful armchair, a little worse for wear after literally being put out to the curb with the trash in favour of the LC2. Everything seems to be back to normal, just with a few extra insects and rodents…

Obsessive Love Disorder

Herb warns Joey to tread carefully around his new Le Corbusier chair, while Joey quickly researches a disorder stemming from feelings of extreme jealousy and possessive behaviour (and not necessarily related to fine Italian leather). Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt, Herb.

Hardly Reassuring

We discover the fate of Joey’s Great Auntie Mil’s chair – out at the curb on garbage day. That’s harsh, Herb.

Great Art is Never Understood

Herb fills Joey in on who Le Corbusier (Le Cor-boos-ee-yay) is and how it relates to the piece of furniture he’s sitting in. Joey has other concerns, dampening his enthusiasm for this icon of modern architecture and design.

What’s a Le Corbusier?

Herb is bringing a little style to Cold Springs, one… piece of furniture… at a time. Here, he’s showing off his new Le Corbusier chair, which raises a series of interesting questions. The first of which is: what’s a Le Corbusier?