Art vs Artist 2023

My #ArtVsArtist2023: It was a turbulent year on the employment front, so I wasn’t able to do as much drawing and comics as I would have liked, but things stabilized as the year went on and I ended up with some momentum, including appearing on my first podcast/interview to discuss my work (the photo of me is just before going live!). A special thanks to Planet Joey Patreon supporters as well!

See ya later 2023, bring on 2024! 🥂

— Dave

Art vs. Artist Is a hashtag challenge which started as a test to see if the artwork reflects the identity of its creator, as many assume. Artists began posting using the hashtag along with a selfie surrounded by eight of their selected art pieces. I look at it as a cool way to take stock of a year’s worth of art.

Santa Snacks

Herb decides that Santa is above the typical Christmas Eve milk and cookies — chocolate nugget bomb cookies to be precise — so he pulls together a bougie spread for ol’ Kris Kringle and his red-nosed companion. Santa is confused by the espresso and Rudolph seems to appreciate the charcuterie board, complete with name cards. I’d love to know where you find Butterkäse cheese on Christmas Eve in Cold Springs, Manitoba but I digress…

Bubble Fox Guest Comic 2022

A Planet Joey guest comic for Jon Esparza's Bubble Fox.

I was honoured to be asked again to create a Bubble Fox guest strip for San Diego-based cartoonist Jon Esparza, who runs guest comics by selected artists every September while he takes a well-deserved break. This one is more of a Planet Joey comic with a guest appearance by Bubble Fox to be honest, but the important thing to remember is: always make sure you’re in the right state of mind before reading comics, kids!

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