Villain Hideout

That sound you hear is the fourth wall shattering as we get a peek at Gaston and Mimi’s secret hideout, presumably in Cold Springs, Manitoba. It’s also a reminder to comic book characters everywhere to always be kind to your cartoonist.

An Exhilarating Trip

It’s Joey’s first Easter in Cold Springs and while it’s good to know he’s still on the Easter Bunny’s list, a special delivery takes the spirit out of the day.

An Ode to Ben Johnson

A long hallway of lockers at school whisks Joey off to the Olympic Games and imagining himself in the 100-meter dash. Instead of Canadian sprinting heroes Donovan Bailey or Andre DeGrasse, Joey’s experience ends up being reminiscent of Ben Johnson. Johnson set a world record in the 1988 games – besting American Carl Lewis – until being stripped of his gold medal in disgrace after testing positive for steroids. Fortunately for Joey, instead of a nation’s ire focused on him, he simply has to endure a trip to the office.

Made in Australia

The weather warms up in Cold Springs, sending Joey and Herb down to the local tennis court. Joey has his struggles with the practice wall and learns a valuable lesson: never toss your racquet in frustration and if you do, always check the manufacturer’s info.

The Mighty Ducts

This one is one of the earliest comics I wrote. It’s been sitting patiently on one of the first pages of my sketchbook for almost two decades prior to being published today on the internets. This concept of listening to the exciting sportsball match through vents and/or ductwork in a home is something that is directly drawn from my childhood. The time I remember clearly was the 1984 Canada Cup hockey semifinal between Canada and the Soviet Union. I had a pretty strict bedtime of 9pm at the time and wasn’t able to watch the conclusion of that crucial game against those evil commies. I discovered I could *just barely* hear the game through the vent in my bedroom floor however, and I lied there for hours until Canada won the game in overtime.