An Important Takeaway

Given time to reflect on ‘the punch’, Joey has a change of opinion upon a closer review of the upcoming schedule. Also, another hockey nemesis makes a cameo: the Ball Eating Bush has its eyes on Joey’s wayward tennis ball…

He Had It Coming

New character alert! Joey reveals to Herb that he crossed paths with… the Prime Minister of Canada. In the Planet Joey universe, that person is the eccentric Théodore Thibodeau. This raises a ton of questions of course, but readers should get used to the PM popping up randomly and unexpectedly.

Gotta Find That Kid

Mimi is right – the halfwitted cartoonist (that’s me!) is indeed shutting down this storyline soon – so the pressure is on our sinister searchers to find the kid in the yellow helmet who delivered that dastardly punch, as per the boss’ orders… Joey seems to have successfully evaded everyone thus far – not only Gaston and Mimi, but the kid with the glasses as well, seen here icing is face.

An Unconventional Route

After his punch sets off some post-game chaos, Joey tries to escape unnoticed back to the locker room. His unexpected journey takes him from the Zamboni, to the snack bar to the bowels of the Cold Springs Arena, putting his ninja skills to the test. Alternate title: A Good Skate Sharpening.

Safe Harbour

Joey and Herb continue discussing ‘the punch’, where we learn that glasses guy completely melted down and where exactly Joey slithered off to while chaos ensued…

A Local Recruit?

We catch up with the two sinister spectators – Gaston Malade and Mimi Dangereux – after a bit of a post-game kerfuffle has broken out, thanks to Joey. Gaston is thrilled that there is finally some violence on the ice to capture his attention while Joey seems to have made quite an impression on the mysterious Cyrus Belgrave. As for Mimi, she’s trying to figure out how exactly it is that Belgrave seems to have his own private feed from *checks notes* the Cold Springs Arena…


Joey reveals to Herb what happened immediately after ‘the punch’ at their regular kitchen table post mortem. It seems as if our protagonist was able to slink away unscathed while chaos ensued…

The Gentlemanly Tradition

The age-old hockey tradition of shaking hands at the end of a hard fought game isn’t about the winning team showboating in front of their opponent. It’s about showing respect for the losing side. Or, in Joey’s case, it’s a chance to take an uncontested cheap shot.

The Final Horn

And there it is, the Golden Turkeys lose to the Bacon Ridge Rhinos. As the teams line up to shake hands, the game isn’t quite over for Joey, who seems to have his focus elsewhere…

My Kind of Scoundrel

We catch up with our resident ne’er-do-wells in the Cold Springs Arena, enjoying the Canadian minor hockey experience: mediocre hockey and sub-par food and beverages. As expected, Gaston has taken a shining to the kid with the glasses…

Guy with the Glasses

As the game wears on, Joey can’t escape the wrath of a certain bespectacled goon, who is absolutely relentless. What we have here is an assault in three parts: a cross check, hip check and a good old fashioned flying elbow for good measure. Now Joey has a few bumps and bruises (and maybe a missing tooth) to go along with that shattered stick.


The game continues and Joey has a scoring chance! Unfortunately, the kid with the glasses has other ideas.

Bespectacled Dump Truck

It’s game on for Joey and the Golden Turkeys! It doesn’t take too long for Joey to lose his focus — and he suffers the consequences for it.

A Little Entertainment

We find ourselves catching up with the resident villains of our humble strip – Gaston Malade and Mimi Dangereux – and find out that they have indeed been stationed in northern Manitoba by evil mastermind Cyrus Belgrave to work on some sort of top-secret project… And not just anywhere in northern Manitoba, but good ol’ Cold Springs. In fact, they’re headed toward the arena where a red-headed kid takes to the ice, representing said town for the first time. Cue the foreboding music…